Thursday, November 14, 2024

 How well do you know PERNEC?

PERNEC Corporation Bhd, established in 1973, is a prominent Malaysian company specializing in telecommunications infrastructure and information and communications technology (ICT). Over the years, PERNEC has expanded its services to include:

  • ICT Essentials: Providing foundational ICT components such as servers, storage solutions, and networking equipment.

  • Digital Transformation: Assisting businesses in adopting advanced technologies like cloud services, big data analytics, and the Internet of Things (IoT).

  • Cybersecurity: Offering solutions to protect organizations from evolving cyber threats.

  • Telecommunications: Developing infrastructure and systems to meet nationwide telecommunication needs.

  • Public Safety and Defense: Implementing security systems, including CCTV, video analytics, and biometric systems, as well as military-grade ICT solutions.

As a subsidiary of Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB), a government-linked investment company, PERNEC emphasizes transparency and adheres to corporate governance principles.

The company's headquarters are located at No. 21, Jalan Setiawangsa 8, Taman Setiawangsa, 54200 Kuala Lumpur.

For more detailed information, you can visit their official website.


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I will also need to call up Nik Kasmijan from PERNEC tomorrow but to propose our E-Invoicing solution. We have several options in which customers can:

1. Opt for our assistance as consultants, where we will guide customers to use LHDN's own portal. In this case, there is no need to use additional tools or middleware or APIs.

2. Another option is to use Storecove's portal of which us, Sigma Info Analytics, is a reseller. We charge customers 50 sen per document but charges can be lower if there are more documents. There are several tiers like for 5,000 or less documents, it's 50 sen per document. We can also provide customers services to fill in the forms which requires about 58 fields at a charge, of course, but we will need to discuss the rates later.

3. We provide services like in number 2 but it can use LHDN's portal as in number 1.

4. Customers can opt for our middleware which can work with their existing ERP.

Here's a conversational script to guide your call with Nik Kasmijan at PERNEC. This script balances formality and a practical tone, making it easy to follow with simple explanations of each service option.


"Hello, Assalamualaikum, Encik Nik Kasmijan. Saya Helmi, Head of Innovation and ERP dari Sigma Info Analytics. How are you doing today? Saya harap Encik Nik sihat dan semuanya baik di PERNEC. Saya contact sebab nak share tentang solusi E-Invoicing yang kami tawarkan, sesuai dengan keperluan syarikat-syarikat besar macam PERNEC."

Introducing the E-Invoicing Solution Concept:

"Kami di Sigma Info Analytics memang fokus untuk simplify and streamline proses invoicing dengan beberapa options yang fleksibel. Basically, kami ada beberapa pilihan yang boleh disesuaikan dengan keperluan customer, depending on PERNEC’s preferences dan existing infrastructure."

Option 1: Consultant Assistance for LHDN’s Portal

  1. Consulting Assistance for LHDN’s Portal:
    "Option pertama, if PERNEC prefers, kami boleh provide consultancy untuk guide team PERNEC gunakan portal e-invoicing LHDN sendiri. Maksudnya, tak perlu additional tools, middleware, atau API integration. Kira macam kita duduk sebelah, tunjukkan step-by-step cara nak uruskan invoicing through LHDN's portal."

Option 2: Storecove Portal with Sigma’s Reseller Model

  1. Using Storecove Portal (Reseller Model):
    "Option kedua, kalau PERNEC nak something more managed dan taknak handle banyak manual work, kita boleh gunakan portal dari Storecove, di mana Sigma Info Analytics bertindak sebagai reseller. Dalam case ni, kita charge per document—50 sen per document, tapi boleh turun kalau document volume tinggi. Katalah, kalau below 5,000 documents, kita maintain 50 sen per document."

    Additional Service for Form Filling:
    "Tambahan lagi, kalau ada keperluan untuk kita bantu fill in forms—ada lebih kurang 58 fields dalam setiap form—kita boleh sediakan service ini juga, but of course, kita boleh discuss rate nanti mengikut kesesuaian."

Option 3: Custom Service with LHDN’s Portal

  1. Service Similar to Option 2, Using LHDN’s Portal:
    "Kalau PERNEC nak combination antara option satu dan dua, kita pun boleh manage documents dan fill forms tapi guna portal LHDN directly. So, this combines best of both worlds without fully relying on Storecove."

Option 4: Middleware Integration for Existing ERP

  1. Middleware Solution for ERP Integration:
    "Option terakhir, kalau PERNEC nak seamless integration dengan ERP yang sedia ada, kita ada middleware yang kita boleh customize untuk connect dengan ERP system di PERNEC. Middleware ni kira macam orang tengah, supaya invoicing process terus sync dengan existing system PERNEC tanpa perlu banyak manual adjustment."

Value Proposition with a Business Case and Light Anecdote:

"Macam ni, Encik Nik, setiap company ada style sendiri bila nak urus invoicing. Kita di Sigma faham, so kita offer flexibility based on what PERNEC prefers. Kalau kita boleh simplify invoicing process, end of the day, PERNEC boleh save both time and resources, macam ada highway direct to destination berbanding jalan kampung."


"So, what do you think, Encik Nik? If you’d like, I can arrange a time to discuss details dengan team PERNEC, dan kita boleh pilih option mana yang best for your needs. Thank you for your time, Encik Nik. Saya tunggu feedback dari pihak PERNEC. Take care, dan kita jumpa lagi nanti."

Ending on a Light Note:

"Oh, Encik Nik, jangan risau, apa pun kita buat, kita pastikan tak ada pening kepala untuk your team! Just smooth, easy invoicing."

This script should make your discussion engaging and approachable, with each option clearly presented to help PERNEC see the potential benefits. Good luck with the call!


Quotation for Mr.Hugo Wan-UpdatedVFinal.docx
I made a mistake on the E-Invoicing, it should follow this sample quote where there are only 3 options.

Based on the updated information, here’s a revised script for your call with Nik Kasmijan at PERNEC, aligning with the three options outlined in your proposal:


"Hello, Assalamualaikum, Encik Nik Kasmijan! Saya Helmi dari Sigma Info Analytics, Head of Innovation and ERP. Harap semuanya baik di PERNEC. Saya contact Encik Nik hari ini sebab nak share tentang solusi E-Invoicing kami. Saya rasa ada beberapa options yang fleksibel, sesuai untuk keperluan invoicing syarikat besar macam PERNEC."

Introducing the E-Invoicing Solution and Options:

"Kami di Sigma Info Analytics ada tiga pilihan utama untuk E-Invoicing roll-out yang mudah dan berstruktur. Biar saya terangkan sikit, supaya Encik Nik boleh nampak mana yang sesuai untuk PERNEC."

Option 1(a): Outsourcing E-Invoice Data Entry Using LHDN’s MyInvois Portal

  1. Outsource Entry via MyInvois Portal
    "Option pertama, kami handle semua manual entry invois, debit, dan kredit notes untuk PERNEC dalam portal LHDN, MyInvois. Kira Encik Nik tak perlu risau—kami sediakan dedicated personnel untuk uruskan semuanya secara full time. Jadi, PERNEC boleh maintain focus pada core business."

Option 1(b): Training and Handholding for PERNEC Staff on MyInvois Portal

  1. Training PERNEC Staff
    "Kalau PERNEC prefer untuk manage sendiri, kita boleh train staff PERNEC untuk guna MyInvois Portal. Kita bagi training lengkap dan handholding support sebulan untuk pastikan team Encik Nik jadi expert. Bila staff dah confident, kami step back, tapi kalau perlukan lebih masa untuk handholding, kita boleh extend monthly."

Option 2: Middleware Solution for Automated E-Invoicing

  1. Automated Middleware for Large Volume Transactions
    "Option ketiga sesuai kalau PERNEC ada banyak invois bulanan—katakanlah sampai ribuan. Kami boleh setup middleware yang integrate dengan sistem ERP di PERNEC untuk automate invoicing ke portal LHDN. Ini ikut standard PEPPOL, recommended by MDEC, untuk data exchange. Tak ada lagi risiko human error sebab semua automated."

Closing and Next Steps:

"Macam mana, Encik Nik? Kalau ada yang berkenan, saya boleh aturkan meeting untuk bincang details lagi, atau tunjukkan proposal kami. Kami di Sigma Info Analytics memang flexible, boleh discuss further to see what works best untuk PERNEC. Terima kasih untuk masa Encik Nik, dan kalau ada apa-apa pertanyaan, feel free to contact saya."

This script provides a clear, engaging summary of each option in line with the latest proposal. Good luck with the call!


Can you make it more casual but still respecting the customer?

Certainly! Here’s a more casual version, keeping it respectful and friendly:


"Hello, Assalamualaikum, Encik Nik Kasmijan! Saya Helmi dari Sigma Info Analytics. Harap semuanya baik di sana. Saya contact Encik Nik hari ini sebab nak share tentang solusi E-Invoicing baru kami. Ada beberapa pilihan fleksibel yang kami rasa mungkin sesuai dengan keperluan PERNEC."

Introducing the E-Invoicing Solution and Options in a Casual, Friendly Tone:

"Kami ada tiga options utama yang memang mudah dan straight to the point untuk bantu PERNEC uruskan E-Invoicing dengan lancar. Saya ringkaskan sikit ya, so Encik Nik boleh nampak mana yang mungkin paling praktikal."

Option 1(a): Outsourcing E-Invoice Data Entry with MyInvois Portal

  1. Outsource Manual Entry to Sigma
    "Option pertama, kita uruskan semuanya untuk Encik Nik—semua invois, debit, dan credit notes kita masukkan ke dalam portal MyInvois LHDN. Kira macam ‘stress-free’ solution lah. Kami bagi dedicated staff untuk handle invoicing, so Encik Nik boleh fokus pada perkara lain."

Option 1(b): Training and Handholding for PERNEC Staff on MyInvois Portal

  1. Training for Your Team
    "Kalau Encik Nik prefer nak ada orang PERNEC sendiri yang buat, kita boleh bantu train team Encik Nik untuk guna portal MyInvois. Kita siap handholding sebulan sekali sampai mereka betul-betul mahir. Kalau perlukan extra masa, kita pun flexible untuk continue support."

Option 2: Middleware Solution for Automated E-Invoicing

  1. Automated Solution with Middleware
    "Last option ni untuk volume invois yang besar—kalau PERNEC ada ribuan invois sebulan, kita boleh setup middleware untuk terus integrate dengan ERP PERNEC. Dengan automation ni, kerja jadi lebih senang sebab tak ada lagi kerja manual, semua terus sync ke portal LHDN ikut PEPPOL standard yang recommended by MDEC. Efficient dan kurang risiko human error."

Closing and Next Steps:

"Macam mana, Encik Nik? Kalau ada option yang berkenan atau ada soalan, saya boleh arrange untuk kita go through details bersama team PERNEC. Kami flexible, jadi apa-apa Encik Nik rasa sesuai, kita boleh adjust. Terima kasih banyak, Encik Nik, for your time, and feel free to reach out anytime kalau nak discuss lebih lanjut."

This script keeps it respectful but conversational, helping build rapport while clearly explaining each option. Best of luck with your call!





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