Punctuation and symbols in search
Here are some examples from the growing list of popular symbols that are supported:
- Plus sign (+) to search for things like blood type
[ AB+ ] or the programming language[ C++ ] - "At" sign (@) for finding social tags like
[ @google ] or[ @ladygaga ] - Ampersand (&) for strongly connected ideas and phrases like
[ A&E ] or[ Brothers & Sisters ] - Dollar sign ($) to indicate prices, so
[ nikon 400 ] and[ nikon $400 ] give different results - Hashtag/number sign (#) to search for trending topics indicated by hashtags like
[ #lifewithoutgoogle ] - Dash (-) will sometimes be used as a sign that the words around it are very strongly connected, as in
[ twelve-year-old dog ] and[ cross-reference ] - Underscore symbol (_) is not ignored when it connects two words, like
[ quick_sort ]
For more tips & tricks: http://www.google.com/insidesearch/tipstricks/
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