Thursday, November 25, 2010

Petua Menghalau/Mengurangkan Cicak.. Cak! Cak! Cakkk...!

ak berapa lama dulu saya ditanya akan petua menghalau atau mengurangkan Cik Cak. Saya buatla sikit research pembacaan & pencarian. Maka terjumpala beberapa petua murahan.. err petua yg tak perlu belanja mahall.. Ikaw Mahal Ika... Salah satu petuanya adalah dgn menggunakan cili keghin (cili/lada kering).


Cik Li: Gambar Sekodor Hiasang

Iyeee sapertinya gambar Hiasan diatas.. Saya terpikiyo (fikir) macamana la nak buat kat dinding belakang TV paling selalu nampak. Kadang2 saya tembak dgn laser yg ada kat Wiimote (remote game Nintendo Wii) ada Cik Cak yang kejor2 pulak. Bukan nak lari.

Sooo, saya pung melekatkan laa cili kering tersebut kedinding dengan selotep (cellophance tape). Menjadiii... dah lama tak ada Cik Cak yg ber cakcakcak lari2 kejor kat radius sekitar sektor bercili kering tu. الحمد لله

Sebenarnya, selain dari cili kering, banyak lagi bahan-bahan semulajadi lain terutamanya dari jeni-jenis rempah ratus yg boleh digunakan untuk menghalau cicak ni. Mungkin kalau anda kreatif, cili kering tu boleh disusun jadi bentuk bunga ke apa ke jadi nampak macam hiasan dinding. Voila!

Satu lagi yg buat saya teringat kat cili kering ni ialah petua nak halau kumbang beras dan nak pelihara simpanan beras dengan meletakkan cili kering dalam beras.

Nanti saya ambek gambor dan update pos ni ye...
Quite recently, someone asked me on how to get rid of house lizards. I was thinking of the many east asian spices around and thought of dried chillies. Sure enough, you can use them to repel house lizards and a host of other critters such as roaches and ants.

If you'd like to get rid of rice bugs, put
a couple of dried chillies in your rice stock (the unboiled one of course). That's one method we use to get rid of those creatures. It got me thinking, maybe I could use the same thing for house lizards. I did some research and sure enough, there were loads of articles about it. Well, I decided to give it a try myself before posting it on the net.

I used strips of cellophane tape to plaster strips of dried chillies on my wall, especially around the area where most often I'd see lizards running around. It seemed to work around an almost one meter radius of the dessicated arsenal of weaponry.

I was thinking, maybe some creative person might even use those chillies to form a flower or some other motifs so it would also double as a wall decoration.


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